Believe in Yourself and Succeed With These Tips

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On March 9, 2022
Whether you live in Australia or elsewhere, you must believe in yourself before you can succeed. That may seem like a simple idea, but life is much more challenging without the confidence that you can accomplish your dreams. However, with the proper motivation and dedication, you can find faith in yourself. Here are some tips […]
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How to Practice Self-Care Without Spending a Lot of Money

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On June 4, 2021
In case you haven’t noticed, America is stressed out. We were stressed before the pandemic, but the past year has just been ridiculous. Needless to say, we need relief. The good news is that you can reduce the stress in your life and improve your overall health and well-being without draining your bank account. A […]
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Recovering to Be a Better Parent: Addiction Survivors and Their Battles for Sobriety

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On October 12, 2017
The moment you become a parent, your entire life changes. The wellbeing of your child becomes your number one priority. But to give your child the best possible care, you have to take care of yourself, too — especially if you’re in addiction recovery. We had the opportunity to speak to several addiction survivors who […]
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Do You Want to be Right or Happy?

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On September 15, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. I used to believe that uncertainty had no place in my world, if I wanted to be happy. Being right was the Most Important Thing. Over time, the practices of mindfulness and spirituality, in particular, showed me that turning things over to the universe […]
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Marriage With Mental Illness

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On September 1, 2016
It is a common belief that married couples fight about three things: intimacy, money, and children (in no specific order). In my house we have a fourth: mental illness. It is sometimes a standalone argument and frustration, but oftentimes it just adds color to the other arguments. My wife is amazing. That doesn’t mean that […]
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Awareness and My Weight Loss Journey

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On August 17, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. I used to believe that I was destined to be 350 pounds. That the psych medications I was required to take for my own well-being were surely the cause of my poor or uncontrolled eating. Everyone else had simply won a ‘health lottery’, but […]
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Understanding: Wants vs. Needs

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On July 20, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. How often do we create mountains out of molehills? We should start by defining our needs and our wants. What qualifies as a need? What is a want? A need is something you have to do. A want is something you would like to […]
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Is Stress Ruling My Life?

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On July 5, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. I try not to let stress run my life. Good decisions are in short supply when I come from a place of stress. But there are also physical symptoms related to stress, which I used to ignore. The practice of mindfulness has helped me identify […]
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When Your Inner Critic Keeps You From Happiness

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On June 28, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. How often have you allowed stress to affect your happiness by placing unrealistic demands on yourself resulting in negative self-talk? Does this sound like you? I used to fall victim to this exact practice regularly and, at times, I still succumb to negativity and […]
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How I Learned to Be Happy: Past, Present, Future

  • Posted by aplanforliving
  • On June 8, 2016
A version of this post originally appeared on the Huffington Post. When dealing with the unknown of the future and harsh realities of the past, how are was I able to truly be happy today? I used to spend countless hours being envious of the world around me. Everyone seemed to have more of everything […]
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